Next Thursday 20 at 16:30 in the ETSI Caminos, Canales y Puertos of the UPM (c / Professor Aranguren 3, Madrid, Assembly Hall), a special issue of the Hormigón y Acero Magazine dedicated to Javier Manterola ( Carlos Fernández Casado SL)
The event will be chaired by Francisco Javier Martín Carrasco, Director of the ETSI Caminos, Canales y Puertos and the presentation will be given by:
- Gonzalo Ruiz, Director of Concrete and Steel.
- Antonio Martínez Cutillas, President of ACHE.
- Miguel Ángel Astiz, Professor of Bridges at the ETSI Roads, Channels and Ports at the UPM.
- José Romo, Executive Director of FHECOR.
Then Javier Manterola will dedicate a few words about “Understanding Engineering”.
After a coffee, they will intervene:
- Salvador Monleón & Carlos Lázaro, Polytechnic University of Valencia. “The section opened and closed under eccentric stress… on a curved beam. A tribute to Javier Manterola ”.
- Mike Schlaich of sbp & Technical University of Berlin. “Bridge Design: the Spanish approach by Javier Manterola and its similarity in Germany”.
- José Romo, FHECOR & Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. “New trends in typology: hybrid bridges, a field for innovation in structural engineering”.
- Jiri Strasky of Strasky, Husty and Partners & Technical University of Brno. “In search of the true structural solution”.
Interventions moderated by Conchita Lucas, Head of the Department of Civil Works Structures, Geotechnics and Maritime Works of Dragados SA.
At 8pm the event will be closed with a Spanish Wine.