20130929-085022-Editar-Editar-Estacion de Atocha


The Atocha long route railway station is made up of three different parts: the large section where the trains come to a halt the prolongation of this large section lo another shorter one with lower shelters and the connection of the large section lo the old station.


20130929-085844-Estacion de Atocha


All the area corresponding to the section that is connected to the old part, where passengers change to the local route station is formed by a reinforced concrete fungiform slabs that are 0.60 cm thick, a large capital with a 10m radius and a 1.00 m height. This slab is supported by piers, in an oblique grid measuring 17.66 x 16.60 m. with a 1.20 m diameter.


20130929-090130-Estacion de Atocha


The large section is an oblique grid measuring 17.66 x 16.60 fn. 11 has a fungiform and metal structure. The piers have a 1.20 m diameter and are 23 m high. They are covered with a metal ribbed roof formed by radial double T sectioned girders that are 20 cm wide with a variable height of between 1.03 m and 0.50 m.

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