New photographic report of the Cadiz Bay Bridge

In mid-July, the FC engineers Francisco Javier Manterola, Antonio Martínez Cuitillas, Juan Antonio Navarro, Silvia Fuente, Gonzalo Osborne and Borja Martín visited the site of the Cadiz Bay Bridge to ascertain the state of advancement of the works. The visit concluded with a...
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CFCSL wins the bid for the construction of the new bridge over the River Mamoré in Bolivia.

CFCSL has won the contract for the construction project of the Bridge over the River Mamoré in Bolivia, as the specialist on structures of the consortium formed by the firms Euroestudios‐CPS‐Belmonte. The bridge over the River Mamoré is a promise made years ago by the President...
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CFC continues publishing its papers presented at IABSE 2014

Last week we published the first two papers presented by CFC at IABSE 2014 Madrid. Ver . Today we continue with the publication of the “Accessways to the Western Entrance to the ‘Dos Valiras’ Tunnel in Andorra” and the “High-Speed Railway Bridge over the Tera River in Zamora”....
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The construction of the Cadiz Bay Bridge enters full-throttle into its final stage.

With 100% of its piers and 50% of the decks completed, the construction of the colloquially known as the “La Pepa Bridge” in the Bay of Cadiz has entered its final stage. Last week CFCSL engineers Antonio Martínez Cutillas and Silvia Fuente García visited the construction site of...
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Load Test of the Engordany Roundabout in Andorra

The load test of the Engordany Roundabout was carried out on October 6 2014 in Escaldes on the old Massana-bound road in Andorra. As Guillermo Ayuso Calle, a senior engineer with CFC, points out two loading states were applied using a total on 22 trucks.  In order to carry out...
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The “Pedro Gómez del Bosque” Footbridge over the River Pisuerga shortlisted for the Footbridge 2014 award in London.

The “Pedro Gómez del Bosque” footbridge over the River Pisuerga in Valladolid has been shortlisted for the Footbridge 2014 award in the long-span category. The winner will be announced on 16 July 2014 at the triennial Footbridge 2014 conference to be held at the Imperial College...
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Opening of the pedestrian walkway and the riverside development by the River Pisuerga on its way through Valladolid

The official opening of the pedestrian walkway and riverside development along the River Prisuerga banks in the city of Valladolid was held on 15 April. The City Mayor, Javier León de la Riva, and the President of the Douro Confederation, José Valín, visited the site of the newly...
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CFC begins publishing its IABSE 2014 papers.

The 37th annual IABSE Symposium – International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering- was held last week in Madrid entitled “Engineering for Progress, Nature and People”.  More Information CFC participated in the Symposium with a presentation by Javier...
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Photographic report of the High-speed Railway Viaduct over the River Tera. Zamora. Spain.

Photographic report of the completed High-Speed Railway Viaduct over the River Tera in Zamora, Spain. Bridge data sheet Photo´s: Carlos Manterola (
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Cadiz Bay Bridge. Reaching the compensation span piers with a 218.5 m cantilever with no back stays.

Juan Antonio Navarro,  a senior engineer with CFC, explains how the cantilever deck, without any kind of  back stays (218.5 m long on the midspan side and 198.5 m long on the compensation span side), is about to reach the first pier of the compensation span, as we can see in the...
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