The Alcántara Bridge: the arch execution begins.

Borja Martín Martínez, a CFCSL civil engineer, updates us on the current progress on this bridge. The execution of the central arch is just beginning. It has a 324 m long span and its height is 90 m above the average reservoir water level (point 3 of the figure below):  ...
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The execution of the piles begins on the “Barra Vieja” Bridge over the Papagayo River in Mexico.

  The execution of the piles has begun on the ‘Barra Vieja’ Bridge over the Papagayo River in the state of Guerrero (Mexico). Of a total of 130 piles of a 1.5 m diameter, more than 40 have been built to date. The “Barra Vieja’ was designed by CFCSL to replace the bridge...
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The new Karabel Bridge installation in Hernani

The Urumea River Basin is an area greatly struck by flooding. This is the reason why the Basque Regional Government Agency for Environmental and Territorial Policy and the Basque Water Agency – URA, are implementing an action plan to reduce the floodability of the river and the...
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This is how the 70 m high Carrera Novena Viaduct is built in Bucaramanga, Colombia

Jesús Manzo Suárez, Chief Engineer of our Mexican partner, Mexpresa, and Luis Francisco Bohórquez, Mayor of Bucaramanga, explain the characteristics of the Carrera Novena Viaduct in Bucaramanga, Colombia, designed by CFCSL. The following video was released by,...
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