Javier Manterola Armisén receives the International Civil Engineering Award from the José Entrecanales Ibarra Foundation.

The José Entrecanales Ibarra Foundation  presented yesterday its International Awards for Civil Engineering and Development Cooperation, to our co-President Javier Manterola Armisén, and to a cooperation project between Senegal and Gambia, presented by the NGO Alliance for...
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The erection of the Gordie Howe International Bridge keeps moving!

The erection of the Gordie Howe International Bridge keeps moving! Both inclined legs of the Towers are almost finalized, reaching a height around 140.0 m. Steel piles for the foundations of the Approach Bridges are being driven, side span piers (designed by joint venture...
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The president of Colombia inaugurates the new bridge over the Magdalena River. Colombia.

On December 4, the President of Colombia, Iván Duque, inaugurated Functional Unit 4 of the fourth generation Magdalena 2 highway, which facilitates communication to more than 100,000 inhabitants of the municipalities of Puerto Berrío (Antioquia) and Cimitarra (Santander ), in...
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The Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Bridge in New Ross wins the vehicle bridge award from the British “Institution of Structural Enginners”.

The Structural Awards are the world's leading awards for structural engineering excellence.
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CFC / STRENG proposal for the new bridge that will cross the Douro River between Vila Nova de Gaia and Porto.

Although CFC’s proposals in the international design competition for the new bridge that will cross the Douro River between Vila Nova de Gaia and Porto were not finally selected, given the uniqueness and relevance of this competition, we share the first one developed with...
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The closure of the main span of the Cebu Bridge is successfully completed. Philippines.

On October 5, the Cebu-Cordova Link Expressway (CCLEX) achieved an important milestone in the construction of its main bridge, culminating the closure of its main span of 390m. The project engineering has been entrusted to UTE SENER-CFC, the company that will also prepare the...
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The Cebu-Cordova bridge (Philippines) connected to the access spans.

The Cebu Cordova Expressway (CCLEX) project achieved a new milestone by connecting the two access spans to the main bridge. The piers S1 and S4, in which the half timber that collects the prefabricated beams from the access openings is located, are claw-shaped. This shape is the...
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Significant progress made on Gordie Howe International bridge project in first thousand days.

On July 1, 2021, the Gordie Howe International Bridge team marked 1000 days since the start of construction and are celebrating the determination, commitment and hard work of staff, contractors, labourers and suppliers contributing to the progress achieved on all four components...
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The María Rosa Ferrer Obiols footbridge was inaugurated in Andorra la Vella.

On June 11, the footbridge in honor of María Rosa Ferrer Obiols, who was Mayor, Minister and General Councilor of Andorra, was inaugurated in Andorra la Vella. Conxita Marsol, General Consul of Andorra la Vella highlighted the soul and work that Ferrer had for the city and...
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The Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Bridge has won the IABSE Outstanding Structure Award 2021. Arup and CFC were responsible for the Structural Design.

The Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Bridge over the river Barrow which opened last year has won the IABSE Outstanding Structure Award (OStrA) 2021 , a prestigious international award for engineering excellence and design. ARUP and CFC were responsible for the Structural Design. The IABSE...
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