This cable-stayed structure is 407.50 m long with a distribution of main spans of 87.50+220.50+87.50 m. The execution of the structure is in its final phase with the installation of the metal railings on the deck, the expansion joint in the accesses and the extension of the asphalt pavement during the next weeks.

Carlos Fernández Casado – Hualca have carried out the construction engineering and the complete development of the construction process for TAPUSA. As an alternative to the initial assembly solution, one was proposed based on the supply and placement with a crane of the metal structure modules advancing in cantilever from the deck already built, avoiding the need for barges and a lifting frame at the front. forward. The compensation spans were mounted on provisional shorings.

The continuous monitoring of the assembly, and the presence of engineers in the critical phases of the work, has made it possible to obtain a precise final geometry, without the need to carry out re-stressing after closing the deck or relevant regularizations.”

Property: PROVÍAS Nacional
Costumer: Consorcio CPHI (TAPUSA, TERMIREX, HB Sadelec)
Project Designer: Jack López Ingenieros SAC
Principal providers: Estructura metálica – CEMPROTEC; Tirantes – VSL ; Juntas – MAURER ; Apoyos – HIRUN; Barras postesadas – FREYSSINET