Construction of the Maranura Bridge, Cuzco, Peru is progressing at a good pace.

After the construction of the concrete arch on a modular self-supporting formwork installed by successive cantilevers with temporary bracing, a key opening was made by crawling to achieve the loading of the arch. It took 8 jacks placed in code that applied 750 tons of load to each semi-arch, says Alberto Pérez, CFC engineer.
With this operation, the two took off, proceeding to dismantle the provisional falsework.
After its removal, the piers were built, on which the falsework for the execution of the deck is being placed.
The 202-meter-long bridge stands out for its 150-metermain span and 17 m. arrow. The choice of this arch so lowered and with such a slender section highlights this work that is located on the Vilcanota river gorge in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, Andes, 30 km from the Sanctuary of Machu Pichu.

The design determining factors include the strong seismicity of the area, which has led to the use of a solution with insulation of the deck by means of high-damping neoprene supports, says Manuel Valero, CFC engineer.