Last July it was held in the enclosure of the arch of the East Bridge that crosses the Jiangxi River, in the Chinese province of Sichuan.
Construction has been under way since summer 2021, with deck and arch erection using a conventional construction system with temporary supports and shoring.

The deck, girder, arch and stiffening tubular elements have been fabricated in the facilities of Jiangsu Huning Steel Structure & Machinery, which participated in the construction and installation of the Bird’s Nest stadium of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
The entire superstructure of the bridge is metallic with a total weight of 7,770 Tm. The repercussion of the orthotropic deck is 470 kg/m2 while the arches and their bracing is 170 kg/m2.

“The most relevant feature and challenge of the design was how to take advantage of the curvature of the road in plan in the structural solution,” Muñoz-Rojas says. The bridge axis in plan follows a curve with an initial radius of 350 m followed by a transition of 500m radius connecting with a straight line.

The action is part of an ambitious expansion plan for Chengdu City, in the so-called airport city, planned to accommodate more than 10 million people. The axes that have guided the design of this new urban space are the integration with the natural environment and the sustainability of the action.

The CFC-SMEDI proposal won the East Line Cross-Jiangxi River Bridge in June 2019.
The work is a bridge for road traffic, pedestrian and cyclist of a total length of 280 m. whose distinctive element is a self-signed arch that saves the river of 152 m. span and arrow of 21.7 m.
The formal and resistant particularity of the work comes from the cross of the curved path of the bridge combining the curvature in the plant with an inclination to the interior thus configuring from the structure, a work with a marked spatial dimension that provides a great visual dynamism.