The Urubamba Bridge crosses the Vilcanota River at the limit of the Urubamba and Maras districts, connecting Cusco and Pisac with Ollantaytambo. It is located at PK 59 + 130 of the PE-28F highway: Urubamba – Chincheros – Cachimayo in the province of Urubamba, department of Cusco.
Due to its location, it will become the busiest access for tourists visiting Machu Picchu.

On Thursday, January 9, it was officially inaugurated by the President of the Republic, Martín Vizcarra; the Governor of Cusco, Jean Paul Benavente; ministers and local authorities.

El puente es de un único vano de 75.00 m de longitud entre apoyos, con una disposición de doble arco metálico superior abatidos hacia el interior de la sección transversal y tablero mixto compuesto por vigas longitudinales y transversales metálicas y una losa superior de hormigón armado. Se ha puesto especial énfasis en su diseño por su localización privilegiada. Los esfuerzos internos se transmiten entre tablero y arco mediante un sistema de péndolas cruzadas siguiendo una configuración tipo network.
El puente tiene dos carriles y pase peatonal en los dos sentidos.
The bridge is single span of 75.00 m length between supports, with an arrangement of double upper metal arch folded towards the interior of the cross section and a mixed deck consisting of longitudinal and transverse beams and an upper reinforced concrete slab. Special emphasis has been placed on its design due to its privileged location. The internal stresses are transmitted between the deck and the arch through a system of crossed pendulums following a network type configuration.
The bridge has two lanes and a pedestrian pass in both directions.

The work has been carried out by Provias Nacional since 2018, after the bridge collapsed in 2012 after the passage of a 30-ton tipper.