The José Entrecanales Ibarra Foundation presented yesterday its International Awards for Civil Engineering and Development Cooperation, to our co-President Javier Manterola Armisén, and to a cooperation project between Senegal and Gambia, presented by the NGO Alliance for Solidarity.

The event was held at the School of Civil Engineers of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, and was chaired by the First Vice President of the Government and Minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Nadia Calviño.
The Foundation grants the “José Entrecanales Ibarra Awards”, through which it wishes to promote Civil Engineering and public recognition of the professional, teaching and research career of those people whose activity has been a substantial boost to the development of Civil Engineering, in any of its specialties, thus contributing to its best service to society and its own recognition. This Civil Engineering Award is an international scope and is awarded with a periodicity of three years

He also presented the development cooperation award “Recovery of arable areas and free movement between Senegal and Gambia: Dam Bridge over the Sofaniama River between the rural communities of Nioro Katim and Passy Ndery and hydraulic infrastructures for rice cultivation” to Alliance for Solidarity. Congratulations on the award.
In this V edition, whose awards ceremony has been delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Jury decided to award for the first time the Civil Engineering prize to a Spanish civil engineer. His award-winning predecessors were Jörg Schlaich (2008), Giovanni Lombardi (2011), Leslie Robertson (2014) and Shigeo Takahashi (2017).

We sincerely thank the José Entrecanales Ibarra Foundation for this distinction.
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