Ending the detailed design of the new bridge over the Jiangxi River in Chengdu. China.

The CFC-SMEDI group has participated with AECOM, SBP, Zaha Hadid Architects, ARUP and Super Geometry Architects in the restricted international competition convened by the authorities of Chengdu City, China, called Sollicitations of Proposals for the Conceptual Design Scheme of...
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CFCSL will collaborate with the Ineco – Ardanuy consortium in the development of the structures of the North Latvian section of Rail Baltica.

The Spanish consortium Ineco Ardanuy with CFC as a specialist collaborator in structures, has been awarded the contract for North Latvia, one of the main sections of the Baltic Rail connection, an action that aims to unite the three Baltic republics (Estonia, Latvia and...
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Monleón, Schlaich, Romo and Strasky will take part next Thursday in the Presentation of the special number of the Concrete and Steel magazine dedicated to Javier Manterola.

Next Thursday 20 at 16:30 in the ETSI Caminos, Canales y Puertos of the UPM (c / Professor Aranguren 3, Madrid, Assembly Hall), a special issue of the Hormigón y Acero Magazine dedicated to Javier Manterola ( Carlos Fernández Casado SL) The event will be chaired by Francisco...
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Urubamba Bridge opened. Peru. CFC Project and Technical Assistance.

The Urubamba Bridge crosses the Vilcanota River at the limit of the Urubamba and Maras districts, connecting Cusco and Pisac with Ollantaytambo. It is located at PK 59 + 130 of the PE-28F highway: Urubamba – Chincheros – Cachimayo in the province of Urubamba,...
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The Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy bridge opened in New Ross, Ireland. CFC was responsible for the preliminary design and, in collaboration with Arup, for the detailed design of the new bridge.

Ireland´s longest bridge has been officially opened at a ceremony in Co Wexford yesterday. The Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Bridge crosses the River Barrow between Wexford and Kilkenny and is part of a €230m upgrade to the N25 New Ross bypass. At 887m, it overtakes the 230m River Suir...
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The Pumarejo Bridge was inaugurated in Barranquilla, Colombia. CFCSL project. Sacyr construction.

On Friday, December 20, President Iván Duque cut the ribbon to officially declare the new Pumarejo Bridge, built over the Magdalena River and connecting the departments of Atlántico and Magdalena with the rest of the Colombian Caribbean, officially open. The Ministry of...
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Interesting article about New Ross Bridge, Ireland. CFC is carrying out the construction project.

“The River Barrow bridge – a key part of the N25 New Ross bypass scheme – has an ambitious design which sets it apart from the bridges that have gone before and, in time, the 46th crossing will become one of the most recognisable structures in the country, writes Mary...
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Antonio Martínez Cutillas, engineer of CFCSL, awarded with the Medal of Professional Merit of the Civil Engineers College.

June 13th, the Civil Engineers Colleg, handed out the annual awards of professional recognition to the members who have stood out in a relevant way, carried out professional actions of unquestionable merit or rendered outstanding services to the profession. The event was headed...
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The Torres Colón 1969-2019 exhibition.

A time-travelling journey through one of the works that define Spanish architecture of the last half of the 20th century. The Torres Colón 1969-2019 exhibition, which can be visited between the 11th of April and 16th of July in Fernán Gómez...
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