Our effort and dedication to bridges and structures are evidenced in the professionalism and experience proven during over 50 years of activity.


Over 50 years of experience
We are a project engineering firm specialising in bridges and large scale structures. We provide development, study and supervision of engineering works. We have designed bridges and high-tech buildings all over the world: cable-stayed bridges, suspension bridges, cantilever bridges, incrementally launched bridges…


Feasibility studies
Reports and special studies
Preliminary designs
Construction projects
Technical Assistance for Construction
Project Control and Supervision


Large bridges
Overpasses and underpasses
Railway and Bus Stations
Industrial Buildings

Viaduct over the River Narcea, 90% finished.

Work on the viaduct over the River Narcea continues to progress well. Piers P1, P2, P5 and P6, totaling 520 m are now completed and joined at the center of the span and the final P3 and P4 piers, 50 m and 110 m concreted respectively, with symmetrical end cantilevers of 85 m....
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Musealisation of the 1812 Constitution Bridge, designed by CFCSL.

The Digital Humanities Laboratory of the San Fernando Academy of Fine Arts has successfully carried out the musealisation of a great structure: the 1812 Constitution Bridge over the Bay of Cadiz. The bridge was designed by the Carlos Fernández Casado S.L. projects office and...
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First closure of spans in the Narcea viaduct.

The first closure of the Viaduct over the River Narcea (Previous news) has been successfully carried out between spans, by blocking out the cantilevered decks between piers P5 and P6. A simple design with 4 no. steel profiles was employed. The inferior slab pre-stressing was...
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Work on the Viaduct over the River Narcea progressing rapidly.

Work on the Viaduct over the River Narcea at the Dóriga-Cornellana section of the A-63 Highway from Oviedo to La Espina, owned by the Ministry of Public Works and built by Acciona infraestructuras according to the design and technical construction assistance of Carlos Fernández...
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CFCSL appointed as the technical consultants for the new bridge in Corpus Christi. Texas. USA.

Corpus Christi is a coastal city in the county of Nueces and located in the U.S. state of Texas, on the mouth of the river Nueces. It was founded in 1838 and had an estimated population of 300,000 in 2010, with chemical and zinc, aluminum, etc. metallurgical industries. It is...
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CFCSL to design the building plans for the new bridge over the Barrow river in New Ross, Ireland.

A contract was signed in the month of January to design a bridge across the Barrow river, near New Ross in Ireland. The tender was for the design and PPP construction of a 14 Km highway, in which the concessionaire companies are Iridium and BAM, the contractors Dragados and BAM...
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The Cadiz Bridge, winner of the Segovia Aqueduct Award.

The CAMINOS Foundation and the Official Association of Civil Engineers have decided the seventh edition winner of the Segovia Aqueduct Award, which is aimed at highlighting the importance of environmental concerns in the construction and operation of public works. After analyzing...
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CFCSL precalificada para el Proyecto y Construcción del Puente Gordie Howe entre EEUU y Canadá.

El pasado 20 de Enero, la Autoridad del Puente Windsor Detroit (WDBA), anunció los 3 equipos que han sido precalificados para presentar la Oferta de Proyecto y Construcción del Puente Gordie Howe. Carlos Fernández Casado SL en UTE con Fhecor Ingenieros Consultores se encuentra...
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ALE awards work of spanish civil engineers

The ALE civil engineering awards were held on 27th February at the Ritz Hotel in Madrid, Spain. The awards ceremony recognised and awarded the achievements of the very best civil engineers in Spain. Organised by ALE’s Spanish branch, this event is in its 14th year, and was...
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