Our effort and dedication to bridges and structures are evidenced in the professionalism and experience proven during over 50 years of activity.


Over 50 years of experience
We are a project engineering firm specialising in bridges and large scale structures. We provide development, study and supervision of engineering works. We have designed bridges and high-tech buildings all over the world: cable-stayed bridges, suspension bridges, cantilever bridges, incrementally launched bridges…


Feasibility studies
Reports and special studies
Preliminary designs
Construction projects
Technical Assistance for Construction
Project Control and Supervision


Large bridges
Overpasses and underpasses
Railway and Bus Stations
Industrial Buildings

The Bascule Estacio Bridge as the setting of the new PepsiCo´s Mountain Dew commercial.

Mountain Dew, a soft drink of the PepsiCo Group, has chosen our bascule Estacio Bridge in Murcia as the setting for the shooting of its latest and boldest advert. Mountain Dew is a soft drink produced by the PepsiCo Company. Originally, in 1948, it was only advertised in the USA...
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IABSE Symposium to be held in Madrid from 3 to 5 September

    CFCSL participates at IASBE with the following papers: Spanish Bridges (Sesión Plenaria) Javier Manterola Stayed Viaduct in Bucaramanga, Colombia Leonardo Fernández, Lucía Fernández, Guillermo Ayuso, Antonio Cano, Raúl González, Celso Iglesias Design features of the...
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Completion of the structure of the Engordany Roundabout ring

On May 15 2014 the ring of the structure whose construction is underway on the old Massana-bound road at the exit of Escaldes in Andorra was completed. This project is being carried out in collaboration with our partners from SUPORT Enginyers Consultors. The project is an...
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Bridge over the Nervion and Basarab Bridge: another two papers presented by CFC at IABSE 2014

Fourth installment of the papers presented by CFC at IABSE 2014: Bridge over the Nervion in Bilbao and Basarab Bridge in Romania. BRIDGE OVER THE RIVER NERVIÓN ON THE BILBAO DONOSTIA LINE   Leonardo Fernández Troyano y Lucía Fernández Muñoz PDF presentation   Bridge data...
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CFC invited to the First International Bridges Conference in Chile, 2014

Javier Muñoz-Rojas Fernández, an engineer with CFC, has received an invitation to present the paper “Current Possibilities of Cable-Stayed Bridges: Long Spans, Medium Spans and Special Configurations” at the First International Bridges Conference in Chile.  The paper features an...
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The last stay cable installed on La Novena Viaduct in Bucaramanga, Colombia.

(Photo: Laura Herrera / VANGUARDIA LIBERAL) Reproduced herein is the article published in Vanguardia.com (Galvis Ramírez y Cía. SA.) of Bucaramanga, Colombia, on the CFC project of La Novena Viaduct. “The City Hall has announced the final joining of the two parts of La Novena...
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New photographic report of the Cadiz Bay Bridge

In mid-July, the FC engineers Francisco Javier Manterola, Antonio Martínez Cuitillas, Juan Antonio Navarro, Silvia Fuente, Gonzalo Osborne and Borja Martín visited the site of the Cadiz Bay Bridge to ascertain the state of advancement of the works. The visit concluded with a...
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The construction of the Cadiz Bay Bridge enters full-throttle into its final stage.

With 100% of its piers and 50% of the decks completed, the construction of the colloquially known as the “La Pepa Bridge” in the Bay of Cadiz has entered its final stage. Last week CFCSL engineers Antonio Martínez Cutillas and Silvia Fuente García visited the construction site of...
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Load Test of the Engordany Roundabout in Andorra

The load test of the Engordany Roundabout was carried out on October 6 2014 in Escaldes on the old Massana-bound road in Andorra. As Guillermo Ayuso Calle, a senior engineer with CFC, points out two loading states were applied using a total on 22 trucks.  In order to carry out...
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