During the recently concluded Oslo Congress, the FIB awards ceremony for Outstanding Structures took place. Our colleague Miguel Ángel Astiz attended on behalf of CARLOS FERNANDEZ CASADO, S.L. (CFCSL) to collect together with Marcos Sánchez on behalf of Arup, the Outstanding Structure Award for the Rose F. Kennedy Bridge over the Barrow River.

We are incredibly honoured to have received this award, which is undoubtedly one of the most important and prestigious worldwide, as well as deeply proud of the fruit of excellent teamwork. We cannot forget to congratulate Lucía Blanco Martín for her great work on this bridge, as well as the other key staff within the CFC team on this project, such as Guillermo Ayuso Calle, Raúl González Aguilar, Carlos Herrero Sánchez and Borja Martín Martínez.
We would also like to congratulate the other award winners and nominees.