IABSE – International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering has announced the shortlist of nominated projects for the “2023 Project and Technology Awards.”
We are delighted to announce that two CARLOS FERNANDEZ CASADO, S.L. (CFCSL) projects have been selected in three categories:

The Cebu Cordova Link Expressway (CCLEX) Bridge project in the Philippines has been shortlisted in the categories of “Large Road and Rail Bridges” and “Innovation in Construction.” We want to express our gratitude and congratulations to all the teams involved in this project, especially the consortium of ACCIONA, First Balfour, and D.M. CONSUNJI, INC. (DMCI) for entrusting CFC as the designers of the main structure of the project, the cable-stayed bridge over the navigable channel of Mactán spanning 390 meters. Our services have extended from the bidding phase to the completion of construction.

The Yarumo Blanco Viaduct, also known as the Horseshoe Bridge on the Cordillera Central Highway in Colombia, is featured in the shortlist for the “Rehabilitation” category. This is a highly unique and complex rehabilitation, reinforcement, and seismic reconfiguration of an existing bridge. We extend our thanks to the Vías América consortium led by OHLA for placing their trust in CFC to carry out both the modified reinforcement project (repotenciación in spanish) and provide technical assistance during the execution of the works. We also want to highlight the active collaboration and support from the Colombian administration, represented by Invias AG, for endorsing such an innovative solution for the project.
From CFCSL, we want to congratulate the rest of the selected projects and the teams that have participated in them.